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Until now, I have not typically referred to myself as a wedding photographer. As I’ve mentioned before, my {kgP} brides have all found me solely by referral, typically by me shooting a lifestyle session of one of their friends or family members. I am ecstatic to showcase one absolutely fantastic winter wedding from my first […]
If you follow this blog at all, I keep mentioning that 2012 was a whirlwind. I hate to keep repeating myself (common occurrence, however), but ’tis true. For me, personally, it was so crazy because I was still figuring everything out. Everything. From how to work my camera to how to price my work to how […]
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Exactly ONE YEAR AGO today I wrote a blog post showcasing the baby shower for {Sarah + Tony} at the Detroit Yacht Club. Today, I am thrilled to share a sneak peek of the gorgeous ceremony that took place back at the DYC yesterday on an AHmazing winter day. I’ve gotten to know Sarah + […]

To say that 2012 has been insane would be putting it mildly. While it has been a whirlwind of a year, that also means I had the opportunity to meet many AHmazing and incredible families. And my favorite part?? When I make their holiday card list! I LOVE getting holiday cards from my family && […]