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I’ve been blogging some very special sessions lately. This particular one warms my heart because I felt truly honored when Niki reached out to me for her maternity + newborn sessions. Niki is a fellow photographer and I can tell you that there really isn’t a more gratifying feeling than when someone who knows their […]
Mari and Chris booked me up front for a bundled session of three and all I can think when that happens is, ‘yes! I’m going to get to see this little babe three times over the next year!’ They live in the GORGeous Cranbook community and their home is full of charm and tons of […]

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This was a special session. I love all my families {truly} but this one had its own twist. Christina and Steve just introduced their fourth child to this world — a precious baby girl … after already having three boys. Not only is this special in its own right, but they then told me that […]
I met beautiful Reese when she was seven weeks old. If you ask a newborn photog what the ideal timeframe for newborn sessions are, the standard answer is 7 to 10 days. But the reality is that life happens. 7 to 10 days is ideal if we want to get the posed newborn shots — […]