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There are sessions that simply resonate deep within your soul. I don’t mean to get too in depth here, but I could have sworn I was shooting a personal project for me when I began shooting E+R’s maternity portraits. I think I’m even more so connected now that I have become a mama myself. Clearly […]

This is a very special post; this is family. When my sister and I were young, my dad married an amazing woman. Like, truly incredible (!) and we are lucky to call her our own. 🙂 There are all types of family these days and mine is proof-positive that blood does not equal family. We also inherited […]

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Well, friends. This post is a long time coming! I am SO happy to share that my husband and I welcomed our first little babe into this world on December 30th and we are oh-so-in love! We had decided not to find out our babe’s gender, so when it came time to design the nursery, […]

If you know Sonia + Ty, you know a good time. They both have those rare personalities that draw you in, that make you feel like you’re one of theirs, even if you have only just met. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Sonia for quite some time, as she is my baby sister’s BFF, […]