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This is a very special post; this is family. When my sister and I were young, my dad married an amazing woman. Like, truly incredible (!) and we are lucky to call her our own. 🙂 There are all types of family these days and mine is proof-positive that blood does not equal family. We also inherited […]

Well, friends. This post is a long time coming! I am SO happy to share that my husband and I welcomed our first little babe into this world on December 30th and we are oh-so-in love! We had decided not to find out our babe’s gender, so when it came time to design the nursery, […]

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So, this post is a departure from my usual images. This one is actually more of a personal post. You see, this is Liz. She and I have been in each other’s lives since we were three years old. Yes, that is three decades of friendship. This, my friends, is cray. The array of memories […]
Mari and Chris booked me up front for a bundled session of three and all I can think when that happens is, ‘yes! I’m going to get to see this little babe three times over the next year!’ They live in the GORGeous Cranbook community and their home is full of charm and tons of […]