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I’ve loved Laura from the moment she emailed me the very first time about her and Adam’s wedding this coming June. Why? When she signed her name, she signed it ‘Laura H*** (soon to be M***, yay!)’. Laura and Adam currently reside in Florida, but are heading home to tie the knot in Laura’s hometown […]

It’s 11:15p. Those of you who follow this blog know that I not only run {kgP}, but I also have my corporate gig. I’ve been a team leader within my group for eight {my GOOD LORD, eight??} years and my biggest deadline of the year is March 01. The last two weeks of February, I […]

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Okay, I”ll admit it. It’s been SUPER quiet around here. But I have a laundry list of reasons why. First and foremost, I’m ENGAGED! Okay, that’s not really why. I just wanted to announce it in a spectacular fashion. 🙂 Yes, the love of my life proposed to me in our living room exactly one […]

I’m going to warn you ahead of time: this last wedding post of the year is loaded with images. It’s out of my control. You see, I adore this family and I was beyond honored when the little sister of one of my best friends asked me to document one of the most special days […]