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When this mama-to-be emailed me and told me she wanted a maternity session, she was booking a hotel room at the Book Cadillac in Detroit and that she read my package information on my site and was sending in the retainer, I had to call her to make sure she was real. She was an absolute dream […]

I’m not gonna lie. Working full-time in Corporate America and running {kgP} is TOUGH. I was SO excited to launch my new site and debut my new promo video … and then what? Crickets. CRICKETS, I tell you, as I worked tirelessly through the last two weeks of February to hit my big corporate deadline […]
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I cannot begin to tell you how many AHmazing details Michelle put into their wedding day. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure Chris was alongside Michelle throughout this process, but let me tell you — Michelle is a bride after my own heart. She is ORGANIZED. She is Type-A. She knows what she wants […]
It was one year to the day that we headed out for Lindsay {&} Alan’s engagement shoot. I can hardly believe that it is one year later and we were shooting their wedding this past Saturday. We began the day with the girls getting ready at Lindsay’s childhood home in Plymouth. Whenever I am discussing […]